'Why, oh why, oh why..........?'
I'd slept really badly, tossing and turning, tense with worry and anticipation, finally falling asleep only to be awoken by nightmarish dreams.

So, come the morning I was a mess! The drive up to Torridon didn't help. Black ice everywhere and with the tires on my car not being the best, I was forced to drive at a slow and steady 30mph. Other cars on the road were taking it slowly too, so atleast I knew it wasn't just me being over cautious. Anytime I tried to speed up, the car would start skidding, so 30 it was, pretty much all the way. It was a tiring journey!

Walking in should have been easy, the snow all melted on approach, apart from small slushy patches. But I was tired and grumpy, not helped by my knee being really sore too. I stopped at one point to take photos as the sky went this amazing grey lighted colour and the sun was throwing shadows of the cliff face into the sky, something I've never, ever seen before. It quickly faded though, to be replaced by a massive rainbow extending from one cliff face to the other. The light was amazing but I had a feeling it was going to start pissing it down any moment! Which is duly did! Shower only lasted 5minutes or so though.
It soon became aparent that our line wasn't in nick at all. God, it looked amazing though! If I can get this route in nick, it will surely be the best of my routes yet. Such a simple, understated and yet obvious line and I hope the climbing will be as good as the route looks!

So the mental torture began! Do I climb this damn route or not? The ice sections are quite short, but they look brutally steep to me. Tech 5 and I've only ever climbed tech4 ice before. There are actual vertical steps on this ice and it looks scary! I don't like the look of it and ask myself why the hell should I force myself to do something I don't like, just for the sake of it? I then ask myself why not? I might enjoy it? Just get on with it! It really just doesn't look appealing though and holds no attraction for me whatsover, thwack, thwack, step, step, thwack, thwack, step, step
Andy is happy to solo the route and meet me at the top, me going up some grade I gully. But the snow is soft from the thaw and although not dodgy, I decide against it. All that worrying about avalanches for nothing! What a joke! The approach to the icefall had seen me continuously breaking through the snow and wrenching my knee and I decided that trudging up a grade I would have me close to tears of pain and decided instead to head down the way we came and meet Andy back at the car.

The N.facing cliffs in Torridon that we could see have been stripped of snow, only the bigger ledges on easier stuff have some snow on them. The turf is still well frozen however. There is still ice about, but thawing rapidly and nothing we saw was complete.
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