Xmas day was spent in a blur of too much food and too much TV.

If that wasn't enough, the next day I thought that going up to Clova to check out the cliffs would be a good idea. All was fine at first, though I was finding the going tough. I'm convinced I get unfitter each time I go out. The path up to Corrie Fee is barely up hill and yet I was huffing and puffing like an old man with a 50 a day fag habit! Don't know if that bout of Bronchitis has effected my lung capacity and on top of that, not being able to do any cardiac work during the week because of this torn meniscus in my knee. I'm just not as fit as I was last year.

Scrambling up to the base of the route was hard work indeed and on occasion I did think I wouldn't make it up there! But make it I did.
The route followed an initial turfy groove and oh yes, frozen turf, happy happy! Woohoo! I'd forgotten just how gorgeous big clumps of frozen turf are, sexy! This took us into a wee basin, where the groove followed up more steeply. I decided that the rope was a good idea here and D was happy to comply, even though he normally doesn't like ropes. This was the crux of the route, and grade II. It was fun, though totally gearless! Thankfully the turf was bomber so it wasn't too much of an ordeal. I was concerned about not getting a belay at the top of the pitch and either having to bring up D with a body belay or trying to back off the route.

The route was 250m long and finished up on the top crest of A Gully Buttress. So all that followed was to follow the coire rim round and into Coire Kilbo. I was knackered though so D broke trail and I had to stop after a while and eat something to perk up my energy levels which were severely flagging!
The path down into Kilbo was completely blown over and we were both falling about all over the shop, wind still blowing spindrift up, it was a battle of wills!
We were down eventually though, and a quick look at the map showed us how to find the path into the forest. Head torches on, I was mighty glad I hadn't been out on my own, as those woods would have been terrifying! D laughed that I could climb up these routes and yet be scared of the dark! There was a loud rustle in the trees about half way down and he teased me about bears, wolves and gruffalos!
The path through the woods seemed never ending, but finally we made it back to the van. One of the teams who were doing Look C weren't down yet, and I didn't envy them still being up there.

Temps in the corrie were above freezing, around 1.5 degrees but it's uttely baltic today, -6.5 in Aboyne, so these wee freeze/thaws should be good for consolidation of the snow and better ice build up.
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