BLACK ROCK GULCH -Tues 20th May '08
1st trad session of the year (at last!) but pretty nervous, hate the damn seacliffs! I remember Black Rock Gulch as being not too bad though so hopefully I'll not find the sea too intimidating and wimp out of leading.
Out with RB, Adam, Ellis and Phil. RB, Adam and I climb as a rope of 3.
It's a nice enough spot, with easy routes ideal for beginners but as with alot of places on the Aberdeen coast I find the gear placements a little finicky.
Adam led Astra, which was pretty damn good value for V.Diff on the to
p out! I've climbed severes which felt easier. RB seconded this route in far better style than her Maw!

I then led Windy Ledge, a nice V.Diff chimney with more gear than you can shake a stick at, just the way I like it! I was happy to find that my gear placements were good (and not too slow) after barely climbing in the past 2 summers due to a spinal injury followed by spinal surgery.
Adam then led Mellow Yellow, a nice wee Severe route. I had been kinda wanting to lead that one, but Phil was leading the severe called Yellow Edge that Adam had wanted to do. I'll get it next time though.
By that point it was time to pack and go. Forgotten how slow trad is compared to bolt clipping!
Lovely evening though with good fun company.
Hi Sonya,
I'm enjoying your blog.
It lets me experience the sometimes hair-raising! [for me as mum and grandmum]adventures and fun
that you, Bekah and friends have.
Keep it up. mum
Love ya too.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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